*Q-See’s QC View for Android smartphones puts the power of peace-of-mind literally at your fingertips. *
Designed to work with our QC-series security DVRs, it allows you to check in on your property, business or loved ones anywhere, at any time. Receive instant e-mail alerts and see what’s going on with the swipe of a finger.
View live feeds from up to four cameras simultaneously, or review video recorded on your DVR. QC View takes full advantage of touch-screen technology to allow you to add or change video feeds, play back video or even control a pan-tilt-zoom camera with finger gestures. You can even take still images and save them on your phone or send them as e-mail attachments.
With Q-See’s QC View on your Android phone, you’re never out of touch.
*Compatible with QC Series DVR only *
Here is the link to the new QC remote monitoring guide that includes instructions for installing the Q-See QC view application on Android Smartphones:
* Do Q-See QC View para smartphones Android coloca o poder da paz de espírito, literalmente na ponta dos dedos. *
Projetado para trabalhar com nossos DVRs segurança QC-série, ele permite que você check-in em sua propriedade, empresa ou entes queridos em qualquer lugar, a qualquer momento. Receba alertas de e-mail instantâneas e ver o que está acontecendo com o toque de um dedo.
Ver ao vivo de até quatro câmeras simultaneamente, ou revisão de vídeo gravado no seu DVR. QC Ver tira proveito da tecnologia touch-screen para permitir que você adicionar ou alterar feeds de vídeo, reprodução de vídeo ou até mesmo controlar uma câmera pan-tilt-zoom com gestos dos dedos. Você pode até mesmo tirar fotos e guardá-los no seu telefone ou enviá-los como anexos de e-mail.
Com o Q-See QC Vista em seu telefone Android, você nunca está fora de contato.
* Compatível com QC Série DVR só *
Aqui está o link para o novo guia de monitoramento remoto QC que inclui instruções para a instalação do aplicativo vista Q-See QC em smartphones Android:
*Q-See’s QC View for Android smartphones puts the power of peace-of-mind literally at your fingertips. *
Designed to work with our QC-series security DVRs, it allows you to check in on your property, business or loved ones anywhere, at any time. Receive instant e-mail alerts and see what’s going on with the swipe of a finger.
View live feeds from up to four cameras simultaneously, or review video recorded on your DVR. QC View takes full advantage of touch-screen technology to allow you to add or change video feeds, play back video or even control a pan-tilt-zoom camera with finger gestures. You can even take still images and save them on your phone or send them as e-mail attachments.
With Q-See’s QC View on your Android phone, you’re never out of touch.
*Compatible with QC Series DVR only *
Here is the link to the new QC remote monitoring guide that includes instructions for installing the Q-See QC view application on Android Smartphones: